Not unlike drug or alcohol addiction, however, workaholics carry no social stigma, and people think of work addiction as a “safe” addiction. Workaholism, even when compulsive, is admired and rewarded by society and the world at large.
Workaholism – dependence on work, on work, addiction. Both men and women can become addicted to work.
But what is it like to be a workaholic girl? How does dating a workaholic woman affect one’s personal life and what pitfalls can set in?
Women’s Workaholism Causes
The social causes of female workaholism can include the following:
- Career growth – society convinces you to make a career, to show more and more results, and to strive for new and new achievements.
- The race for money, and material goods.
- The independence of women.
- Changing views on the roles of men and women in the family.
- Copying the lifestyle shown in advertisements, and glossy magazines.
It is increasingly difficult for women of age to give up their accustomed lifestyle.
However, society more often encourages the desire to devote a lot of time to work.
Pros and Cons of Female Workaholics
Of course, in today’s society, it is more often men who suffer from workaholism. For centuries they have been considered the breadwinner and the head of the family, and this is still an obligation.
But in the last century, there was a revolution – women also began to actively work and strive to build a career. Ambitious girls want to fulfill themselves, accumulate certain amounts of money, as well as earn the respect of successful men and their families. This is undoubtedly good, if it were not for one “but” – very many completely forget about their personal life, family, children, and, most importantly, their health. True companions of the business lady, fully devoted to his work, are insomnia, anxiety, and even behavioral disorders.
Here are some of the advantages and disadvantages of such a woman:
There are pros to everything, and even workaholism undoubtedly brings some benefits.
Here are 5 reasons to pay attention to workaholics:
- Workaholics of the weaker sex are ready to start their own business, at first they are quite able to cope with all the difficulties on their own.
- Female workaholics are more motivated and determined than other people. When they feel “in the flow,” they can move mountains.
- The ability to work hard and the zeal to work often make a woman more competitive than rank-and-file workers. She is quicker to achieve material prosperity and career heights.
- It is easier for workaholics to save up decent amounts of money, for example, to buy an apartment, because they work more, get more, and spend much less.
- Workaholism is a wonderful way to assert oneself. Even without special talents and attractive personal qualities, it is possible to realize oneself and to make oneself respected and appreciated.
Indeed, a person’s ability to work and professionalism do not betray but help to achieve results.
Still, workaholism is not called a disease for anything. First of all, it hurts their health, as well as their psychological state.
This is what excessive work addiction can do to women:
- One in twenty working people suffers from chronic fatigue syndrome. There are problems with sleep, decreased appetite, and memory deterioration. Irritability and headaches become constant companions. Endless work in a “non-stop” mode is a severe test for the psyche and nervous system. The once vivacious woman may suddenly become irascible or moody.
- Workaholic women have an unhealthy complexion, pale skin, black eyes, and poor posture.
- A workaholic is not interested in family, life, friends, or recreation. Such girls are only interested in things that relate to work. She distances herself from old friends, keeping friendly relations only with colleagues and business partners.
- Workaholics do not allow themselves the usual pleasures that can be afforded by having money. And if they do make the occasional expensive purchase or go on vacation, they rarely experience the joy of it.
- Very often workaholism is an escape from life. The woman is afraid to fall in love, afraid to do new things or travel. She feels relatively safe only at her usual job.
So, the girl considers her work to be the meaning of her life, this in itself is neither good nor bad. It all depends on the purpose and the context. Sometimes work can be a real salvation, and sometimes it can take everything away without giving anything in return. This is why awareness is both the goal and the means for a person who wants to be happy.
Society condemns addiction to alcohol, drugs, medicines, and gambling addiction because it is seen how the degradation of a person takes place, the family suffers, and society as a whole.
There is more tolerance towards workaholism also because it is difficult for a non-psychologist to determine where workaholism is and where passion is for activity and creativity.
Nevertheless, workaholism, including female workaholism, is a modern problem, because it creates a fixation on only one side of life, does not allow one to feel diversity each day, and deprives one of warm, open, close relationships.